Name Surname: BURAK AYAN
Güven Hospital
Department: Anesthesia and Reanimation
Academic Title: Specialist
Title: Specialist
CV: Download
Anesthesiology and Reanimation Physician
Phone: 0533-2126064
- 12-year experience as anesthesiologist (General Anesthesia-Intensive Care-Palliative Care)
- High adaptation and developed communication skills in teamwork
- humble and polite
- Polite and supportive for patients and colleagues under all circumstances
- Open to learning and decisive in terms of self-development
Foreign Language: English (IELTS C1), German (B2)
Skills: Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook), IOS, MacOS, Software and Hardware practices
Research Fellow 2019-2020
University of Ottowa, Department of Innovation in Medical Education
Ottowa, ON, Canada
- Studies medical education and use of medical simulation in medicine; he completed the education successfully and he was given diploma.
- Active role in simulation trainings of anesthesiology residents.
- Designed simulation scenarios and played the trainer role in these scenarios
- Training on use of protective equipment and approach to a patient with COVID-19 diagnosis for doctors and medical students of university in COVID-19 epidemic.
Neurosurgery Resident 2008-2009
Neurosurgery Department, Uludağ University, Bursa, Türkiye
Educational Details
Medical Practitioner
School of Medicine, Istanbul Bilim, University, Istanbul, Türkiye 2007
Anesthesiology and Reanimation Physician
Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Türkiye 2014
Health Organizations Business Diploma
Anadolu University (Open Education) 2017
Courses and Certificates:
DIME Research Fellowship
University of Ottowa 2020
Foundational Elements In Applied Simulation Theory
University of Ottowa 2020
Healtcare Educators Scholars Program
University of Ottowa 2020
Basic Life Support Instructor Candidate A Certificate
European Resuscitation Council 2017
Basic Life Support Certificate, Instructor Potential
European Resuscitation Council 2017
Advanced Life Support Certificate, Instructor Potential
European Resuscitation Council 2017
Basic Science Anesthetic Course
European Society of Anesthesiology 2016
Palliative Care Course
Turkish Union of Public Hospitals 2015
Anesthesia of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Patient in Preoperative,Perioperative and Postoperative Setting Course
International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) 2013
Approach to Parenteral Nutrition
ESREN Diploma 2010
Approach to Oral and Enteral Nutrition
ESREN Diploma 2010
Advanced Life Support Certificate
European Resuscitation Council 2009
Professional Memberships
TTB – Turkish Medical Association
TARD - Turkish Association of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
TYD - Turkish Society of Intensive Care
KEPAN - Association of Clinical Enteral & Parenteral Nutrition
SES – Union of Public Employees in Health
ESA - European Society of Anesthesioiogy
ESRA - European Society of Regional Anesthesiology
ERC - European Resuscitation Council
ASRA - American Society of Regional Anesthesiology
CPSO - College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
1. Atypical Presentation of Multiple Foreign Body Ingestion
Aydın E, Bent S, Ayan B
APSP J Case Rep. 2017 Jan5;8(l):7. Doi: 10.21699/ajcr.v8il.525. eCollection 2017 Jan-Feb PM1D:28164004
2. Maximizing Vaiue in Opioid Utilization: is Oxycodone Immediate Release a Good Option for Pain Management (?)
Pergolizzi JV, Köknel Talu G, Zmponga G, Erdine S, Taylor R, Ayan B, Raffa RB.
Agri. 2015;27{1):1-11. doİ:10.5505/agrİ.2015.79663.Revİew. PMID:25867868
3. The Effect of i-Gei Extragiottîc Airway Device During Percutaneos Diiatational Tracheostomy in ICU Patients
Demirkıran 0, Bozbay S,Ayan B.
World Congress of Anesthesiology 2016,Hong Kong - Poster Presentation
Scientific Project Investigator 2019-2020
University of Ottowa; Department of Rheumatology Ottowa, ON, Canada
- Worked in a scientific project that investigated the differences in pain signaling mechanisms in patients with fibromyalgia and spondyloarthropathy. The project continues and it is funded 10.000 Canada Dollars by Canadian Rheumatology Ultrasound Society.
Assistant Professor
Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, Istanbul Bilim University, Istanbul, Türkiye 2017-2019
• Doctor in charge of education and training in the department; active role in education of medical students.
• Member of the kidney and liver transplant surgery team.
A part of a team with a wide-spectrum case profile in terms of general anesthesia and regional anesthesia (Cardiovascular surgery, Thoracic surgery, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, ENT, Pediatric Surgery)
Director of Palliative Care Unit and Algology Outpatient Clinic
Bahçelievler State Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
• Founder doctor and head of nineteen-bed palliative care unit and algology outpatient clinic.
Anesthesiology and Reanimation Physician
Bahçelievler State Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
• Organized training for physicians and personnel
• Played the major role in foundation of operating theater and intensive care units.
• Participated to managerial meetings.
Anesthesiology and Reanimation Resident
Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Türkiye 2009-2014
4. Effectiveness of Poiymyxin-B in Septic Shock Patients Demirkıran 0, Ayan B. World Federation Of Societies of intensive and Critical Care Medicine Congress 2015, Seoul - Poster Presentation
5. Surgical Management of inguinal Hernia in A Newborn with Arc12b: Case Report.Approach to Inguinal Hernia in a Newborn infant with Diagnosis of ARCL2B. Aydın E, Ayan B. Türkiye Klinikleri J Case Rep doi: 10.5336/caserep.2017-56866
6. Intensive Care Management of Pregnant Patient With Severe Pulmonary Hypertension Ayan B, Demirkiran 0, Bozbay S World Federation Of Societies of intensive and Critical Care Medicine Congress 2017, Rio - Poster Presentation
7. Reliablity and Validity of Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale In Turkish Population. Ayan G, Afacan C, Poyraz BC, Bilgiç 0, Avci S, Yavuzer H, Yürüyen M, Erdîncler DS, Ayan B, Doventas A. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2018 Oct 17:1533317518802449. doi: 10.1177/1533317518802449 PMID:303 28357
Other 9 papers presented in national and international meetings and other continuing studies.
1. Clinical Anesthesia - ISBN: 9789754208238 Clinical Anesthesia - Barash, Cullen, Stoelting, Cuhalan, Stock Translation of Chapter: Chapter 2
Academic Books
1. Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation - ISBN 9786058161436 Author of Chapter: Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation After Orthopedic Surgery
• 2017-2018 Winter Term – 5th Grade Courses at Anesthesiology and Reanimation Department, School of Medicine, Istanbul Bilim University
• 2018-2019 Winter/Spring Term – 5th Grade Courses at Anesthesiology and Reanimation Department, School of Medicine, Istanbul Bilim University
• 2018-2019 Winter/Spring Term – 1st and 2nd Grade Applied Simulation Courses, School of Medicine, Istanbul Bilim University