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Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

We primarily deal with all adulthood diseases, especially including diabetes mellitus, obesity, elevated blood lipids and thyroid diseases. Our full-time physicians also serve your health with check-up programs. Our dynamic staff generates most scientific and up-to-date solutions for you and starts advanced diagnostic processes and treatments in cooperation with rheumatology, immunology, hematology, oncology, nephrology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and cardiology divisions, if required.

Respiratory Tract Infections: 

Respiratory tract infections are classified in two groups, namely infections of the lower respiratory tract and those of the upper respiratory tract. Lower respiratory tract infections mostly affect organs such as the lungs, bronchi and bronchioles. In addition to internal medicine specialists, ENT and chest diseases clinics also contribute to the treatment of diseases involving this part of the human body, which can have more severe consequences compared to upper respiratory tract diseases.

Infectious Diseases: 

Apart from upper and lower tract infections, there is also a risk to develop an infection in several other parts of the human body. Most common examples of infectious diseases include urinary tract infections, skin infections, diarrhea, types of hepatitis, infectious parasitic diseases, brucellosis, influenza, sexually transmitted diseases, arthritis and osteitis. Infectious diseases are contagious and therefore require particular attention to isolation during inpatient treatment. Depending on the type and characteristics of the disease, a treatment protocol is adopted and applied either by the internal medicine unit only or in collaboration with other relevant units.


The heart’s purpose is to pump blood and supply it to all organs of the body through vessels. The pressure exerted by the pumped blood on vessel walls is referred to as blood pressure. “Systolic” blood pressure in adults is 120 mmHg, whereas diastolic blood pressure should be below 80 mmHg. Blood pressure above these levels gives rise to a serious condition referred to as hypertension. Hypertension is a condition that must be taken seriously, as it may cause damage to several major organs including without limitation blood vessel damage, renal failure or brain damage unless due care is attached to treatment and prophylactic measures. Internal medicine clinics prescribe medical diet program and drug therapy to keep this condition under control.


Type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients are treated in internal medicine clinics. Diabetes often develops when the body is unable to secrete sufficient insulin hormone or when tissues are unable to use blood sugar (glucose) properly. The aim of effective therapeutic methods such as insulin therapy or antidiabetic drug therapy is to keep insulin levels at a certain level. Medical diet is another treatment method that, in addition to drug therapy, is of high significance for an improved course of disease and enhanced life quality.

Thyroid Diseases: 

Improper functioning of the thyroid gland, as one of the organs that set the metabolic rate of the body, may cause certain thyroid diseases. An underactive or overactive thyroid gland, thyroid cancers and certain autoimmune diseases create an adverse impact on the hormone balance of the body. Thyroid diseases are treated by internal medicine and endocrinology clinics together.


High levels of blood lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides due to unhealthy diet or hereditary reasons can cause cholesterol diseases. It is important to keep cholesterol levels in balance for a healthy functioning of the body. Eating a healthy diet and avoidance of bad fats and overnutrition during prevention and treatment of the disease have a facilitating effect on therapy. 

Liver, Stomach & Gallbladder Diseases: 

The internal medicine clinic’s field of specialization does also cover diseases and conditions that are associated with damage to and improper functioning of organs that make up the digestive system. Fatty liver, cysts, types of hepatitis, cirrhosis, stomach ulcers, hiatal hernia, gastritis, reflux, gallbladder stones and biliary sand, and infections are diseases treated by internal medicine specialists. Frug therapy, medical diets and changes in lifestyle are highly facilitative in treating the disease. Surgical methods are employed in addition to these treatments if and when necessary.

Lung Diseases: 

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the lungs such as asthma, COPD, and pleural effusion are the specialty of internal medicine clinics. Minor problems noticed in an early stage are kept under observation by internal medicine specialists, whereas diseases in an advanced stage requiring detailed examination and treatment are referred to the chest diseases department for further follow-up and treatment. 

Kidney Diseases: 

Kidney problems are one of the most common complaints for which patients seek medical advice at the internal medicine department. Kidney infections, renal calculi, cysts, acute and chronic kidney failure are conditions that all call for urgent treatment. Having the potential to cause severe consequences in the body which may as severe as permanent organ damage, kidney diseases are treated in the internal medicine department, or if necessary, referred to nephrology clinics.

Anemia & Blood Diseases: 

Diseases like anemia characterized by deficiency in important blood values can manifest themselves in various forms such as thalassemia or coagulopathies. Diet-induced drop in hemoglobin, iron and hematocrit levels and insufficient intake of elements like iron, B12 and folic acid can cause the body to develop a range of blood diseases. Blood diseases are usually brought under control and treated through drug therapy, while in some cases the patient may have to be referred to hematology clinics for treatment.

Rheumatic Diseases: 

Soft-tissue rheumatism, fibromyalgia, arthritis, various joint pains, inflammatory rheumatism, gout and Behcet’s disease, familial Mediterranean fever, waist and neck pains are categorized under this type of disease. Treatment of the disease is a long process, rather aimed at improving the patients’ everyday comfort. When necessary, patients get referred to rheumatology clinics.

Musculoskeletal Disorders: 

Complaints such as pain and arthritis in different parts of the body are followed up and treated by the internal medicine department. Post-menopausal and age-associated osteoporosis is also among the diseases treated by internal medicine clinics.

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