Benefits of regular exercising to your overall health are undeniable. It does not only prevent heart diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus and certain types of cancer but also helps with fatty changes of the liver.
Studies conducted on 24 participants for 12 weeks revealed out that fibrosis and degeneration of liver cells decreased by 58 to 67 percent in people who regularly exercised (supervised and regulated by fitness trainers) compared to those who did not exercise.
Oxygen consumption levels also improved. While there were improvements to body mass index and waist circumference, the weight loss was minimal. The improvement in fatty changes of the liver without weight loss reveals the importance of exercising regularly.
Can one kill two birds with one stone?
Exercising regularly provides benefits to the liver, but it also minimizes your cardiovascular risks. This benefit is far beyond the weight loss.
The observations carried out for one year demonstrated that fatty changes relapse in people who stop exercise, but the improvements to the liver persisted in individuals who maintained their fitness.
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