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What Is In Vitro Fertilization?

What Is In Vitro Fertilization?

The In Vitro Fertilization implies fertilizing a human oocyte with a human sperm at the laboratory settings and transferring the resultant embryo into the womb.

When combined with the quickly developing technology and treatment options, the In Vitro Fertilization is a ray of hope for couples who cannot achieve conception with natural ways or classical treatment of infertility.

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What are the indications of the In Vitro Fertilization?
Does the In Vitro Fertilization have risks?

What are the indications of the In Vitro Fertilization?

The In Vitro Fertilization is considered in following conditions:

  • Failure of conception due to severe sperm (the male reproductive cells) and male infertility,
  • Failure of conception secondary to tubal factor – right and left Fallopian tubes are either obstructed or dysfunctional
  • Severe adhesion or injury in the Fallopian tubes and the ovaries secondary to the history of surgery,
  • Chocolate cyst or endometriosis in woman,
  • Idiopathic infertility in women who failed conception despite advanced-stage ovulation induction treatment (gonadotropin therapy) and insemination,
  • Women diagnosed with low ovarian reserve, elevated FSH and low AMH or women who plans pregnancy at advanced maternal age,
  • Severe ovulation problems, such as PCOS, or low concentration of hormones that ensure the ovulation (FSH, LH and estrogen) (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism), and couples who require treatments that boost the ovulation

  • The In Vitro Fertilization can also be sought in following special medical conditions:

  • The oncofertility cases that require to freeze oocytes or embryos before certain treatments, such as cancer surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy that can influence the ovaries negatively or harm the reproductive function,
  • A HLA-match sibling is required for stem cell or bone marrow transplantation if there is not appropriate donor for treatment of the child’s disease,
  • Embryo transfer is recommended for pregnancy, as the candidate mother and/or father has a documented medical genetic condition, such as SMA, DMD and translocation, and the embryo that is obtained in an in vitro fertilization procedure and is verified as healthy in the genetic analyses following embryo biopsy and PGT (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis).

  • Does the In Vitro Fertilization have risks?

    The risks of the In Vitro Fertilization may vary according to treatments or procedures. The major one is the “ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome” (OHSS). The syndrome has various stages. Although the mild forms can be managed at outpatient settings, the severe forms require inpatient treatments. The fatal forms of this condition are far rarer. Moreover, the surgical procedure can cause bleeding or infection and the anesthesia induction can pose minimal risks. Another risk of the In Vitro Fertilization is the multiple pregnancy. Therefore, the candidate mothers who conceive with the In Vitro Fertilization should be supervised more closely.

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