The medical term for this inevitable point is called presbyopia and it defines the condition where you see the objects near your blurry. So, is there a way to avoid this?
Ophthalmologist Bülent Özkan, M.D. says that “nothing escapes the wearing effect of time. As our hair and joints, our sight is also affected by time. Of course, there are measures you can take the decrease and delay the effects.”
Why do we become farsighted after the age of 40?
Our eyes are like a camera and its lenses automatically focuses on the point we wish to see. Dr. Özkan says “Since the intraocular lenses are more flexible and move more freely during our early ages, we do not need any glasses or support to see. They can easily focus on different distances. However, as we get older, our muscles start to lose their ability to adjust and the oculars becomes less flexible. This affects our sight.”
As the thickness of our aging eyes changes and fibrous layers collect around them, another condition called cataract emerges. Cataract, which causes a cloudy vision as the disease progresses, can also be treated with a simple surgical intervention.
Symptoms of Cataract:
A cloudy vision,
Difficulty to read under normal light
More frequent need to change glasses and contact lenses,
Difficulty to see while driving in the nighttime.
Symptoms of Presbyopia:
Difficulty to focus on close points
Decrease in the focusing speed from a far point to a close point
All these symptoms can vary from patient to patient; however, they will slowly but surely emerge.
When should we start to be examined for age-based sight changes?
Dr. Ozkan says that routine eye examination is a must. The frequency recommended for healthy adults are as follows:
Between the ages of 18-39: Once every two years
Between the ages of 40-64: Once a year
65 years and above: Twice a year
If you are suffering from an eye condition or diabetes, it would be beneficial to increase the frequency of your appointments by consulting your doctor.
If you realize a change in your sight between your scheduled eye examinations, informing your doctor will help with the early diagnosis and give you a better chance for treatment.
The problem might not be the aging eye muscles!
Presbyopia might not be the culprit behind the changes you may experience.
Changes in your color perception,
Narrowing of your peripheral vision,
Diplopia (double vision),
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) are several of the eye-related disorders.
It is also important that you contact your doctor if you are experiencing sudden changes in your vision.
To treat the presbyopia and other eye diseases, there are a lot of treatment options such as glasses, contact lenses, implants, and surgical interventions. When there are plenty of options to have a clear vision, do not postpone your problems and enjoy your age.
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