Quick Appointment

Is your blood pressure higher than usual?

Is your blood pressure higher than usual?

Check these little steps when your daily blood pressure changes

Have you increased your alcohol consumption?
If yes, you should consider moderation back for a while.

Are you eating more processed foods, unhealthy snacks and salt?
At least, try to eat those with lower amount of salt and to eat healthier foods, if possible.

Do imbalanced diet and sedentary lifestyle cause weight gain?
You can start writing down the food you eat throughout the day. You can restrict calorie intake or visit a dietician at least until you restore your usual weight.

Are you smoking more heavily?
This may the main suspect. You should, at least, reduce immediately.

Are you stressed?
Turn off the TV, log off from social media, take a relaxing walk, listen to some music, stretch and meditate.

Most importantly, CALL US to start treatment with the most accurate diagnosis through an online interview.

Health Guide

What is Hepatobiliary Surgery?

What Is In Vitro Fertilization?

The In Vitro Fertilization implies fertilizing a human oocyte with a human sperm at the laboratory settings and transferring the resultant embryo into the womb.

What Is Robotic Rehabilitation?

The robotic rehabilitation is a treatment modality used to restore the walking ability in patients with total or partial loss of the gait function. The robotic rehabilitation is an evidence-based treatment that also involves virtual reality processes.

Information Form for Kidney Transplant Recipient and Donor

All pre-and post-operative procedures of the kidney transplant are extremely crucial for the health of both the recipient and the donor.

Check-Up Saves Life through Early Diagnosis

The check-up examinations allows treatment of the diseases successfully before the condition progresses to the symptomatic stage, as it ensures early diagnosis of many diseases.

Aesthetic – Plastic Surgery Procedures following Mastectomy and Childbirth

An aesthetic look is important for most women. Certain processes that can cause deformities in women's body can make them feel unhappy and desperate.

Do Not Ignore Those 6 Signs of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women not only in our country but also worldwide.

COVID-19 and Cardiac Diseases

As coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic progresses, scientists teach us more about the virus and how it progresses.