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Information Form for Kidney Transplant Recipient and Donor

Information Form for Kidney Transplant Recipient and Donor

All pre-and post-operative procedures of the kidney transplant are extremely crucial for the health of both the recipient and the donor.

Therefore, the kidney transplant recipients and donors should know all details about what should be done before and after the surgery. The physicians of the Organ Transplantation Center of Güven Hospital informs about what should be done before and after the kidney transplant surgery.

Table of Content

What should be done at the hospitalization phase?
What are the preoperative medical procedures and preparations?
What should be done after the surgery?

What should be done at the hospitalization phase?

  • The patient is hospitalized one day before the surgery.
  • The patient has one companion throughout the hospital stay. However, visitors are not allowed to the clinic to avoid the risk of infection.
  • The patient should bring personal care materials and other needs, such as pajama and slipper. The pajamas should consist of button-up tops (to facilitate drain and catheter procedures) and bottoms.
  • Armpits and groins should be shaved; the patient should have a bath before presenting for the procedure.
  • Male patient should shave beards/mustaches to eliminate a problem while the intubation tube is fixed during the surgery. Moreover, shaving the beard also prevents the infections.

  • What are the preoperative medical procedures and preparations?

  • Dialysis is planned for the kidney transplant recipient, if deemed necessary by the nephrologists.
  • The recipient and the donor are informed by the anesthesiologist about the anesthetic and its complications.
  • A catheter is inserted to the neck of the kidney transplant recipient with ultrasound guidance at the radiology department. The catheter is used to administer medications, transfuse blood and draw blood sample for tests in the clinic and during the surgery.
  • The patient is trained about breathing and coughing exercises. These exercises play a very vital role in the recovery of lungs after the anesthesia induction. These exercises should, therefore, be performed regularly at instructed intervals.

  • What should be done after the surgery?

  • Patients should walk at the time planned by the nurse in order to eliminate the postoperative flatulence and increase the bowel movements.
  • The kidney transplant recipient should wear mask in the indoor areas and the crowded places especially for the first three months after the surgery.
  • Considering the kidney transplant donors, the mask is not a necessity as a medication that suppresses the immune system is not taken and the risk of infection is low.
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