A woman’s risk of breast cancer differs according to her lifestyle and genetic structure. We can reduce the risk by making small changes in our lifestyle Changing our body mass index, our weight Increasing our daily physical activities Quitting smoking Limiting our alcohol consumption Preferring healthy fat consumption. Other than these motherhood and breastfeeding are also factors that reduce the risk of breast cancer. Factors that increase the risk of breast cancer Advanced age Familial breast cancer history Intense breast tissue Some genetic mutations Mammary lesions Hormone treatments Mutation of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes Individualized programs for each woman The breast cancer risk can differ according to your lifestyle, consumption habits, and familial history. You can consult your doctor to participate in a program that is planned according to these variables. In the main risk groups, after the age of 40, an annual mammogram would be sufficient. According to the increasing risks, your doctor can recommend different breast scans. For the group with a genetic risk, removal of the breast tissue will be listed among the possible options. On this matter, Angelina Jolie made an important decision and had both of her breast tissues removed and pioneered many women. So how can we reduce our risk of breast cancer? A good start is keeping our weight in a healthy range. Doing a 30 min exercise every day will protect us against many diseases. Not smoking or, if we are smoking, quitting this habit is a significantly important step. By limiting our alcohol consumption, we can take a precaution against breast cancer and many other diseases.
The In Vitro Fertilization implies fertilizing a human oocyte with a human sperm at the laboratory settings and transferring the resultant embryo into the womb.
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The check-up examinations allows treatment of the diseases successfully before the condition progresses to the symptomatic stage, as it ensures early diagnosis of many diseases.
An aesthetic look is important for most women. Certain processes that can cause deformities in women's body can make them feel unhappy and desperate.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women not only in our country but also worldwide.
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