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Check-Up Saves Life through Early Diagnosis

Check-Up Saves Life through Early Diagnosis

The check-up examinations allows treatment of the diseases successfully before the condition progresses to the symptomatic stage, as it ensures early diagnosis of many diseases.

Bekir Yazan, M.D., from the Internal Medicine Department of Güven Hospital informs us about check-up and preliminary preparations.

Table of Content

What is Check-Up?
Why is having check-up at regular intervals important?
Which diseases can be prevented through regular check-up? Or which diseases can be diagnosed at an early stage?
Is there any criterion for necessity of a check-up? Are age and gender important factors?
What is optimal time for a check-up?
What are the considerations in terms of preparation for a check-up?

What is Check-Up?

Check-up is the umbrella terms for health screenings to diagnose potential genetic, metabolic and environmental diseases at an early stage, take measures and control them before the concerning person faces a health problem. The personal risks and predispositions can be identified in advance by taking into consideration the age and the genetic and environmental factors.

Why is having check-up at regular intervals important?

The principal aim of the medicine is prevention and protection. Therapeutic medicine is a challenging process. A check-up identifies the high-risk factors that originate from familial predisposition, lifestyle or habits and thus, it can prolong the life and boost the quality of life through early diagnosis and treatment. Having a check-up at regular intervals is the only option for early diagnosis of many health problems. Next, the risk of many diseases is minimized and they are definitely cured through measures and treatments.

Which diseases can be prevented through regular check-up? Or which diseases can be diagnosed at an early stage?

A check-up is primarily used to diagnose and follow up genetic diseases. Diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, thyroid diseases, hypertension, coronary artery disease, aneurysm, weight and nutrition problems, metabolic diseases, certain cancers (breast, colon, thyroid, lung and skin cancers etc.), and gynecological and neurological diseases can be diagnosed early. Thus, treatment and follow-up of these diseases can be initiated at the early stage.

Is there any criterion for necessity of a check-up? Are age and gender important factors?

A check-up should be a personalized process. The check-up should be modified according to all relevant factors, including but not limited to age and gender, habits, familial risk factors, lifestyle, eating habits, and medications. Excluding the check-up programs created for children, there is an age limit for adults, such as people younger than 40 and people older than 40. The content of the check-up program varies according to these factors. In addition to the general check-up, there are also subtypes, such as cardiological, neurological, endocrine, oncologic and athlete’s check-up.

What is optimal time for a check-up?

Adults are recommended to have check-up once a year. Any season of the year can be preferred. If risk factors are identified in the check-up and diet and treatment are planned, follow-up visits are planned at certain intervals (3 to 6 months).

What are the considerations in terms of preparation for a check-up?

Since various tests and studies are performed in a check-up, certain rules should be followed to avoid false results. These are as follows:

  • Eating and drinking should be stopped 8 to 10 hours before the check-up.
  • Alcohol should not be consumed; fatty meals should be avoided one day before the check-up.
  • If vitamin supplements, medications that contain iron and blood thinners, such as Aspirin, are taken, they should be stopped 5 days before the check-up.
  • Strenuous physical activity and exercise should be avoided within last 72 hours.
  • The check-up should be postponed if there is any sign of infection.
  • If the woman is in the menstrual cycle, it is rational to postpone the check-up, excluding the emergency complaints.
  • In case of pregnancy or pregnancy suspect, the doctor should be informed in the check-up.
  • Comfortable footwear and clothes should be preferred for certain tests, such as cardiac stress test. It is better to remove accessories and jewelry, as they may negatively affect the imaging studies.
  • Finally, the people who will have a check-up should bring the medications that are regularly taken along with the old examination and test reports, if any.
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