Quick Appointment



Güven Hospital

Department: Urology

Academic Title: Professor

Title: Professor



DATE OF BIRTH: July 2, 1967


2008 -206 Urology Department, TOBB ETU Hospital,
He successfully completed the “Intensive Course in Laparoscopic Techniques Urology Course” on July 16, 2006 and had laparoscopic surgery certificate of “Unıversıte Strasbourg 1 Diplome D'Unıversıteé”. 
2004-2009 Urology Department, MESA Hospital
He successfully completed the verbal part of the ″European Board Examination in Urology″ on June 5, 2004.
June 21, 2004, ″ Fellow of European Board of Urology″ title
April 22, 2004 Associate professor of Urology
He successfully completed the written part of the ″European Board Examination in Urology″ on November 24, 2001.
October 22 −November 17, 2000 ″University of Southern California Kenneth Norris, Jr. Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital″ - observer.
December 1997-2004, Resident, Urology Clinic, Turkish Specialization Hospital
November 1992-October 1997, Resident, Urology Department, School of Medicine, Ankara University
1985-1992 School of Medicine, Ankara University
1979-1985 Ankara Atatürk Anadolu High School




Ankara Association of Urologists
Urooncology Association 
Turkish Association of Urology 
Turkish Association of Urologic Surgery 
European Association of Urology


Urooncology (prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, testicular tumors), Endourology (urinary system stone disease, prostate diseases, urinary system obstructions), Urological laser procedures,
A. Articles published in international peer-review journals:

A1. Eskiçorapçı, Y.E. Karabulut, E. Türkeri, L. Baltacı, S. Çal, Ç. Toktaş, G. Akpınar H. Özer, G .
Sözen, S. Tokuç R. Lekili, M. Soylu, A. Albayrak, S. Şahin, H. Alpar, R. Özen, H. ,”Validation of 2001 Partin Tables in Turkey: A Multicenter Study,” Eur Urol., 47, 185-189(2005).

A2. Sözen, S. Eskiçorapçı, S. Küpeli, B. Altınel, M. Özer, G . Uygur, C. Alkibay, T. Özen, H., “ Complexed prostate specific antigen density is better than the other PSA derivates for detection of prostate cancer in men with total PSA between 2.5 and 20 ng/ml:results of a prospective multicenter study”, Eur Urol., 47, 302-307(2005).

A3. Özer, G. Altınel, M. Koçak, B. Yazıcıoğlu, A. ve Göneç, F. , “Value of urinary NMP-22 in patients with renal cell carcinoma,” Urology, 60(4), 593-597(2002).

A4. Özer, G. Altınel, M. Koçak, B. Balcı, M. Atan, A.ve Göneç, F. , “Potential value of soluble ıntercellular adhesion molecule-1 in the serum of patients with bladder cancer,” Urol.Int., 70, 167-

A5. Baltacı, S. Orhan, D.
zer, G . Tolunay, Ö. Göğüş, O. , “Bcl-2 proto-oncogene expression in low
and high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia,” BJU Int, 85, 155-159(2000).

A6. Baltacı, S. Özer, G . Özer, E. Soygür, T. Beşaltı, Ö. Anafarta, K. , “Failure of ureteral
replacement with Gore-Tex tube grafts,” Urology, 51(3), 400-403(1998).

A7. Şafak, M. Baltacı, S.
zer, G . Türkölmez, K. Uluoğlu, Ö. , “Long-term outcome of a patient with
intrascrotal extratesticular malignant schwannoma” Urol.Int, 60(3), 202-204(1998).

A8. Sarıca, K. Özer, G . Soygür, T. Yaman, Ö., Özer, E. Üstün, H. Yaman, S.L. Göğüş O. , “Preservation of shock-wave-induced renal histologic changes by dermatan sulfate,” Urology,
49(1), 145-150(1997).

A9. Sarıca, K. Türkölmez, K. Soygür, T. Özer, G . Yaman, Ö. Baltacı, S. Bedük Y, Müftüoğlu Y.Z. , “Evaluation of urinary glycoseaminoglycan excretion in patients with renal cell carcinoma,” Eur Urol., 31, 54-57(1997).

A10. Sarıca, K. Soygür, T. Yaman Ö. Özer, G . Sayın, N. Akbay, C. Küpeli, S. Yaman, L.S., “Stone recurrence after shockwave lithotripsy: Possible enhanced crystal deposition in traumatized tisssue in rabbit model,” J Endourol, 10(6), 513-517(1996).

A11.Baltacı, S. Süzer, O. Özer G. Bedük, Y. Göğüş, O. , “The efficacy of cytology in the detection
of recurrent bladder tumours” Int Urol Nephrol., 28(5), 649-653(1996).

A12. Baltacı, S. Özer, G. Soygür, T. Yaman, Ö. Sarıca, K. Müftüoğlu Y.Z. Göğüş O. , “Effects of extracorporeal Shockwave lithotripsy on urinary concentration of epidermal growth factor,” J Endourol, 10(6), 519-521(1996).

A13.Yaman, Ö. Sarıca, K. Özer, G. Soygür, T. Kutsal, O. Yaman, L.S. Göğüş, O. , “Protective effect of verapamil on renal tissue during shockwave application in rabbit model,” J Endourol, 10(4),

A14.Yaman, Ö. Soygür, T. Özer, G. Arıkan, N. Yaman, L.S. , “Renal liposarcoma of the sinus renalis,” Int Urol Nephrol., 28(4), 477-480(1996).

B. Abstracts-full texts presented in local and international scientific meetings and published in proceedings

B1. Sözen, S. Eskiçorapçı, S. Gürocak, S. Küpeli, B. Altınel, M.Irkilata, L. Özer, G. Uygur, C. Alkibay, T. Özen, H., “ The value and performance of PSA derivatives in patientswith normal DRE findings and PSA levels between 2.5-20 ng/ml:Is complexed PSA a reliable marker?”, Eur Urol.Supp.XIXth conress of the European Association of Urology,Vienna, Vol.3, No:2,

B2. Özer, G. Koçak, B. Altınel, M. Turan, N. Yazıcıoğlu, A. ve Göneç, F. , “Increased expression of CD44s in renal cell carcinoma with renal vein or vena cava thrombus,” Eur Urol. Supp. XVIIth congress of the European Association of Urology, Birmingham Vol.1, 549, Elsevier, 2002.

zer, G . Altınel, M. Koçak, B. Yazıcıoğlu, A. ve Göneç, F. , “The value of urinary NMP-22 ın
patients with renal cell carcinoma,” Eur Urol. Supp. XVIIth congress of the European Association of
Urology, Birmingham Vol.1, 677, Elsevier, 2002.

B4. Özer, G. Altınel, M. Altan, A. Özdemir, G. ve Göneç, F. , “The potential value of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in the serum of patients with bladder cancer,” Eur Urol. Supp. XVIIth congress of the European Association of Urology, Geneva Vol.39, 52, Karger, 2001.

B5. Soygür, T. Baltacı, S. Türkölmez, K. Özer, G. Canoğlu V.A. Şafak, M. Göğüş, O. “Complications in 40 urologic laparoscopic procedures,” J Endourol. Supp. 15th World Congress on Endourology and SWL 13th Basic Research Symposium, Edinburgh Vol.11 Supp 1, 163, Mary Ann Liebert Inc. publishers, 1997.

B6. Soygür, T. Baltacı, S. Adsan, Ö. Özer, G. Sağlam, R. Şafak, M. “Five year follow up of 91 percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedures for staghorn kidney stones,” J Endourol. Supp. 15th World Congress on Endourology and SWL 13th Basic Research Symposium, Edinburgh Vol.11 Supp
1, 101, Mary Ann Liebert Inc. publishers, 1997.

B7. Sarıca, K. Atilla M.K. Özer, E. Özer, G . Yaman, Ö. Müftüoğlu, Y.Z.M., Üstün, H. Göğüş, O. “Histopathologic alterations in cryptorchid testes with an emphasis on contralateral scrotal testicular histology,” European Society of pediatric urology 7th anual Meeting, london,1996.

B8. Özer, G. Sarıca, K. Yaman, Ö. Soygür, T. Sargın, H. Yaman L.S. Göğüş, O.”Protective effect of verapamil on renal perfusion the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) index histogram evaluation,” J Endourol. Supp. 13th World Congress on Endourology and SWL 11th Basic Research Symposium, Jerusalem Vol.11 Supp 1, 48, Mary Ann Liebert Inc. publishers, 1995.

B9. Baltacı, S. Özer, G . Soygür, T. Yaman, Ö. Sarıca, K Müftüoğlu, Y.Z. Göğüş, O.”Effects of extracorporal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) on urinary Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) levels ” J Endourol. Supp. 13th World Congress on Endourology and SWL 11th Basic Research Symposium, Jerusalem Vol.11 Supp 1, 166, Mary Ann Liebert Inc. publishers, 1995.

B10. Sarıca, K. Özer, G. Soygür, T. Yaman, Ö.Özer, E. Üstün, H. Yaman L.S. Göğüş, O. Baltacı, S.”Protective effect of dermatan sulphate on renal morphology after shock wave application in
rabbit model” J Endourol. Supp. 13th World Congress on Endourology and SWL 11th Basic
Research Symposium, Jerusalem Vol.11 Supp 1, 48, Mary Ann Liebert Inc. publishers, 1995.

B11 Sarıca, K. Küpeli, S. Soygür, T.
zer, G. Yaman Ö. Sayın, N. Akbay, C. Yaman, L.S. ”Stone
recurrence after ESWL: is there any effect of renal tissue glcoseaminoglycan deterrioration on stone formation in rabbit model” J Endourol. Supp. 13th World Congress on Endourology and SWL
11th Basic Research Symposium, Jerusalem Vol.11 Supp 1, 167, Mary Ann Liebert Inc. publishers,

B12. Özer, G. Aydos, K. Küpeli, B. Işıkay, L. Küpeli, S. Aydın, S.”Clinical importance of urinary PSA in patients with prostatic enlargement,” Proceedings of 4th International Marmara Medical Days, Istanbul, 135-140,1994

B13. Işıkay, L. Küpeli, B. Yaman, Ö. Özer, G . Aydos, K. Bedük, Y. Küpeli, S. ”Role of PSA density in BPH and prostatic cancer patients” Proceedings of 4th International Marmara Medical Days, Istanbul, 128-133,1994

 C. Books and book chapters authored:

C1 Özer. G. “Orthotopic Urinary  Diversions”, Basic Urology 3rd Edition 2008 , Editors; Anafarta, K. Bedük, Y. Arıkan, N.

C2 Özer, G. “Penile Tumors” Urooncology  Book, Urooncology  Association, 1st Edition 2007 . Editor Özen H, Türkeri L.

C3. Özer, G. “ Imaging methods in testicular cancers”, Urooncology 1st Edition 2007. Editor; Dinçel Ç.

C4 Özer. G. “Orthotopic Urinary  Diversions”, Basic Urology 3rd Edition 2007 , Editors; Anafarta, K. Bedük, Y. Arıkan, N.

C5 Özer. G. “Orthotopic Urinary  Diversions”, Campbell Urology  (translation of 9th Edition) 2012, Translation Editors; Anafarta, K. Yaman, Ö.

C6 Campbell's Urology Study Book translation editor. 2004.

C7 Özer, G. “Leydig Cell” Clinical Andrology Book, Ankara University  Press, Ankara, 2000.

D. Articles published in local peer-review journals:

D1. Özer, G. Koçak, B. Altınel, M. Altan, Ş.A. Gönenç, F. “Effects of chronic renal failure and hemodialysis on serum tPSA, sPSA and s / tPSA levels”, Turkish Journal of Urology, 27(4), 498502 (2001).

D2. Özer, G. Altınel, M. Koçak, B. Torun, C. Gönenç, F. “Effect of early postoperative single dose of Mitomycin-C instillation on short term recurrent tumor in low-risk superficial bladder cancer ”, Turkish Journal of Urology, 27(4), 407-410 (2001).

D3. Özer, G. Koçak, B. Altınel, M. Altan, A. Gönenç, F. “Oral sildenafil in male patients with erectile dysfunction undergoing chronic hemodialysis therapy”, Urology Bulletin, 12, 147-150 (2001).

D4. Özer, G. Türkölmez, K. Baltacı, S. Şafak, M. Uluoğlu, Ö. “A case of renal adenocarcinoma with solitary metastasis in the contralateral adrenal gland”, Incision, 2(1), 67-69 (1999).

D5. Aydos, K. Küpeli, S. Özer, G . Aytaç, S. “Resistivity index and acceleration value of vascular interaction in varicocele cases”, MN Clinical Sciences Surgery, 2(10), 197-200 (1996).

D6. Yaman, Ö. Özer, G . Soygür, T Özdiler, E. Bedük, Y. “Clinical importance of prothrombin time in the follow-up of hematuria that can occur after transurethral resection of the prostate: A preliminary report, MN Clinical Sciences Surgery, 2(6), 100-102 (1996).

D.7 Aydos, K. Özer, G. Yaman, Ö. Türkölmez, K. Dinçel Ç. Çulcuoğlu, A. Anafarta, K. “Clinical analysis of somotosensorial evoked potential of the penile dorsal nerve in impotence”, MN Clinical Sciences Surgery, 2(10), 201-204 (1996).

D8. Gemalmaz, H. Özdemir, G. Müftüoğlu, Y.Z. Türkölmez, K. Yaman L.S. Serel, A.Özer, G. Göğüş, O.. “Carcinoma of the ureter: a review of 11 cases”, Nephrourology and hypertension, 2(1-2), 13-15 (1994).

D9. Özer, G. Altınel, M. Karataş, B. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “The efficiency of free/total PSA ratio in determination of the pathologic characteristics after radical prostatectomy”, Turkish Journal of Urology, ahead of print.

Özer, G. Altınel, M. Koçak, B. Sargın, S.Y. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “An experience of 32 cases in ileal W-shaped neobladder reconstruction and serosal extramural tunnel implant technique”, Turkish Journal of Urology, ahead of print.


E. Abstracts-full texts presented and published in proceedings of local scientific meetings:

E1. Özer, G. Koçak, B. Altınel, M. Turhan, N. Gönenç, F. “Effect of ischemia-perfusion damage in rat kidney on CD44 expression”, 17th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 43, (2002).

E2. Özer, G. Altınel, M. Koçak, B.Sargın, S. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “Orthotopic neobladder after radical cystectomy: Thirty-two patients with W-shaped ilea neo-bladder reconstructed by implantation of extramural tunnel lined with serosa”, 17th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special Issue of Congress, 23, (2002).

E3. Özer, G. Altınel, M. Karataş B. Aydoğ, G. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “The efficiency of free/total PSA ratio in evaluation of the pathologic characteristics after radical prostatectomy”, 17th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 49, 2002.

E4. Özer, G. Altan, A. Altınel, M. Güneş, Z. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “Preoperative and postoperative NMP-22 levels in patients with diagnosis of bladder tumor”, 17th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 242, (2002).

E5. Özer, G. Altınel, M. Koçak, B. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “NMP-22 in patients with renal cell carcinoma: A new determiner, a new cut-off”, 17th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 257, (2002)

E6. Özer, G. Koçak, B. Altınel, M. Turhan, N. Gönenç, F. “Increased CD44 expression in renal cell carcinomas with renal ven/vena cava thrombus”, 17th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 262, (2002).

E7 Altan, A. Sargın, S. İşler, B. Özer, G. Koçak, B. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the treatment of kidney stones; our first experiences”, 17th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 138, (2002).

E8. Torun, C. Sargın, S.Y. Özer, G. Voyvoda, B. Işıkay, L. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “Evaluating the results of ureteroscopic intervention in patients with ureteral stone”, 17th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 135, (2002).

E9. Özer, G. Koçak, B. altınel, M. Torun, C. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “Transabdominal  approach in tumors with thrombi in renal vein and inferior vena cava,” 17th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 262, 2002.

E10Özer, G. Altınel, M. Altan, A. Özdemir, G. Gönenç, F. “Potential value of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in bladder cancer”, 16th Turkish Urology Congress, Izmir, Special issue, 48, (2000).

E11 Özer, G. Altınel, M. Utku, V. Yazıcıoğlu, A. Gönenç, F. “Contribution of conserving puboprostatic ligaments in radical retropubic prostatectomies to the urinary continence ”, 16th Turkish Urology Congress, Izmir, Special issue, 59, (2000).

E12. Özer, G. Koçak, B. Işıkay, L. Boran, M. Gönenç, F. “Effect of chronic hemodialysis on serum tPSA, fPSA and f / tPSA levels”, 16th Turkish Urology Congress, Izmir, Special issue, 99, (2000).

E13 Özer, G. Altınel, M. Torun, C. Yürür, H. Gönenç, F. “Effect of early postoperative single dose of Mitomycin-C instillation on short term recurrent tumor in low-risk superficial bladder cancer”, 16th Turkish Urology Congress, Izmir, Special issue, 143, (2000).

E14 Özer, G. Koçak, B. Altan, Agüneş, Z. Gönenç, F. “Oral sildenafil in male patients with erectile dysfunction undergoing chronic hemodialysis therapy”, 16th Turkish Urology Congress, Izmir, Special issue, 211, (2000).

E15 Işıkay, L. Utku, V. Altınel, M. Özer, G. Özdemir, G. Gönenç, F. “Anterior vaginal sling using autologous skin graft”, 16th Turkish Urology Congress, Izmir, Special issue, 131, (2000).

E16 Bedük, Y. Baltacı, S. Göğüş, O. Müftüoğlu, Y.Z. Şafak, M. Budak, M. Türkölmez, K. Özer, G. “Our 9-year radical cystectomy experience in bladder cancer patients”, 15th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 159, (1998).

E17 Baltacı, Orhan, D. Özer, G. Bedük, Y. Göğüş, O. “BCL-2 oncoprotein expression in low and high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and localized prostate cancer” 15th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 132, (1998).

E18 Göğüş, O. Bedük, Y. Baltacı, S. Küpeli, S. Özer, G. Türkölmez, K. Budak, M.“ Our radical prostatectomy experiences”, 15th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 140, (1998).

E19 Yıldız, Ş. Özer, G. Işıkay, L. Altınel, M. Karataş, C.Güneş, Z. Çetin, S. “Treatment of stone with ESWL in solitary kidney” 15th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 146, (1998).

E20 Özdemir, G. Iþýkay, L Özer, G. Yýldýz, Þ. Utku, V. Altýnel, M. Çetin, S. “Anterior vaginal sling-vesica method (Percutaneous bladder neck stabilization)”, 15th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 153, (1998).

E21. Işıkay, L. Arda, K. Şener, H. Yıldız, Ş. Özer, G. Özdemir, G. Çetin, S. “An alternative method in the examination of  the proximal urethral sphincter and the distal urethral sphincter: Transrectal echocardiography”, 15th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 180, (1998).

E22. Baltacı, S. Yağcı, C. Özer, G. Yaman, Ö. Bedük, Y. Göğüş, O “The role of transrectal ultrasound-guided vesiculoseminal biopsies in the preoperative staging of the prostate cancer”, 12th Turkish Cancer Congress, Antalya, Proceedings, 78, (1997).

E23 Aydos, K. Küpeli,S. Özer, G. Aytaç, S. Göğüş, O. “The effects of arterial hemodynamics in the physiopathology of varicocele", 14th Turkish Urology Congress, Marmaris, Special issue, 212, (1996).

E24 Aydos, K. Küpeli,S. Özer, G. Aytaç, S. Göğüş, O. “The role of resistivity index and acceleration in low grade varicocele cases”, 14th Turkish Urology Congress, Marmaris, Special issue, P124, (1996).

E25. Özer,G. Aydos, K. Küpeli, B. Işıkay, L. Küpeli, S. Aydın, S. “ Clinical importance of urinary PSA in patients with prostatic enlargement,” Proceedings of 4th International Marmara Medical Days, Istanbul, 135-140,1994.

E26. Işıkay, L. Küpeli, B. Yaman, Ö. Özer,G . Aydos, K. Bedük, Y. Küpeli, S. “ Role of PSA density in BPH and prostatic cancer patients,” Proceedings of 4th International Marmara Medical Days, Istanbul, 128-133,1994.

E27 Aydos, K. Yaman, Ö.. Özer, G. Türkölmez, K. Dinçel, Ç. Anafarta, K. “Neurogenic (SEP) evaluation of erectile dysfunction cases”, 13th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, special issue,
297, (1994).

E28. Koşar, A. Sarıca, K. Özer, G. Küpeli, S. Aydos, K. Yamani L.S. “Our treatment approaches in pediatric stone cases”, 13th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 178, (1994).

E29. Süzer, O. Bozlu, M. Özer, G. Işıkay, L. Sarıca K. Küpeli, S. “Trace element analyses and results in urinary system stones”, 13th Turkish Urology Congress, Antalya, Special issue, 17, (1994).